Fee Stake: Marietta (TWD)
Fee Stake: Marietta
Marietta, Georgia
January 15, 2011
10 players
2R + F
Robyn Tatu's Tournament Winning Deck
Deck Name : The Baron is Off Kilter after Ben Peal
Author : Robyn Tatu
Description : Tournament winning deck
Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 5 max: 9 average: 7.75
4x Baron, The 9 FOR NEC OBF THN dom 2 votes Samedi:2
3x Reg Driscoll 8 OBF THN aus for pre Samedi:2
2x Jorge De La Muerte 7 OBF THN cel for nec Samedi:2
1x Genina, The Red Poet 8 CHI OBF THN aus cel for Samedi:3
1x George Frederick 6 FOR THN nec obf Samedi:2
1x Lithrac 5 OBF for thn Samedi:2
Library [77 cards]
Action [20]
1x Conceal
5x Dark Mirror of the Mind
5x Little Mountain Cemetery
8x Off Kilter
1x Priority Shift
Action Modifier [31]
5x Cloak the Gathering
4x Forgotten Labyrinth
9x Freak Drive
6x Lost in Crowds
2x Stiff Contempt
5x Under My Skin
Combat [10]
2x Ashes to Ashes
4x Dust to Dust
2x Olid Loa
2x Skin of Rock
Master [12]
1x Archon Investigation
2x Direct Intervention
1x Houngan
2x Information Highway
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
2x Perfectionist
2x Sudden Reversal
1x Wider View
Reaction [4]
2x Deflection
2x Forced Vigilance
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