Power of All: Atlanta
Power of All: Atlanta
Stone Mountain, Georgia
March 29, 2009
10 players
2R + F
1 Matt Guinn 1 4 3 120
2 David Leader 1 5.5 1 108
3 Oscar Garza 0 1 1 72
4 Jeffrey Brandon 0 2 0 96
5 Greg Mitchell 0 1.5 0 84
6 Robyn Tatu 0 0.5 60
6 David Tatu 0 0.5 60
8 Mattias Kallenberg 0 0 48
8 Mike Perlman 0 0 48
10 Simeon Nagel 0 0 24
We had 11 players show up again for our 2nd day of the Georgia V:TES weekend.
(A different 11 players...)
I sat out and was the judge again at this event.
Round 1 Table 1
Player Play area at the 1 hour mark
-Information Highway
-Lernean with Rutor's Hand
-Ash Harrison with Ruins of Ceoris
-Ashur's Tables x2
-Park Hunting Ground
-Path of Paradox
-Gabrin with Karavalanisha Vrana
-Vaclav Petalengro with Fatuus Mastery
-Adana de Sforza (Sensory Deprivation)
-Maldavis with Anima Gathering targetting Adana
David L.
-Warsaw Station
-Dreams of the Sphinx
-Calebros, the Martyr
-Nikolaus Vermeulen
-Casino Reeds
-Krid (with a Weighted Walking Stick he gaine via diablerie)
-Hasina Kesi
-Dan Murdock
-Huang, Blood Cultist
-Antoinette Duchamp
-(Navar had been diablerized)
Results of table 1 = David 4, Greg 1
Round 1 Table 2
Player Play area at the 1 hour mark
David T.
-Arcane Library
-Ashur's Tablets x2
-Carna with Vessel, Ankara Citadel, Sniper Rifle, Bowl of Convergence,
Rebel, Heart of Nizchetus, and The Rack
-Aisling Sturbridge with Palatial Estate
-Martin Frankel
-Neighborhood Watch Commander
-Warzone Hunting Ground
-Tara with Heroic Might
-Jann Berger with Villein
-Neighbor John with Fortitude discipline master
-Mariel St. John (Disarm)
-Jephta Hester with Abbot, Flak Jacket, Perfectionist and Vessel
-Political Hunting Ground
-Anton de Conception with a Vessel
-Ermengildo, The Rake
-Baron Dieudonne with Blood Doll
-Enkidu, The Noah with Blood Doll x2
Results of Table 2 = Matt 1.5, David-Jeff-Oscar 0.5
Round 2 Table 1
Player Play area at the 1 hour mark
-Narrow Minds
-Trophy Library, Trophy Domain x2
-Baron Dieudonne with Blood Doll (Sensory Deprivation)
-Enkidu, The Noah
-Information Highway
-Lernean with Vessel
-Ash Harrison
-Political Hunting Ground
-Ermengildo, The Rake
-Onaedo with Vessel
-Andrew Emery with Vessel
-Owain Evans (graverobbed) with Vessel and Pulse of the Canaille
-Neighbor John (graverobbed)
-Mariel St. John
-The Parthenon
-Fortune Teller Shop
-Path of Paradox
-Park Hunting Ground
-Tumnimos (Red Listed)
-Joaqina Amaya with Blood Doll and Fatuus Mastery
-Vaclav Petalengro with Fatuus Mastery
-Khalil Ravana
Results of Table 1 = Jeff 1.5, Oscar-Robyn-Greg 0.5
Round 2 Table 2
Player Play area at the 1 hour mark
-Igo the Hungry
-Huang Blood Cultist
-Antoinette DuChamp with Leather Jacket
-Lena Rowe
David T.
-Carna with Vessel, Sniper Rifle, and Ivory Bow
-Martin Frankel
David L.
-Nikolaus Vermeulen
-Cock Robin
-Casino Reeds
-Rumor Mill, Tabloid Newspaper
-Feo Ramos was in torpor
-Adana de Sforza
-Dreams of the Sphinx
-Tomaine with Villein
-Tara with Vessel
-Karen Suadela
Results of Table 2 = Matt 2.5, David 1.5
Player Play area at the 1 hour mark
-Path of Night
-Dreams of the Sphinx
-Conrad Adoula with Vessel
-Henri Levanent
-New Carthage
-Warzone Hunting Ground
-Karen Suadela with Heroic Might and Vessel
-Dmitra Ilyanova with Heroic Might and Vessel
-Cock Robin with Trophy Domain and Trophy Hunting Ground
-Enkidu, The Noah
-Ravnos Carnival
-The Parthenon
-Joaqina Amaya with Blood Doll x2 and Ivory Bow
-Tumnimos in torpor
*Gabrin had been Decapitated twice by this time.
David L.
Casino Reeds
Darva Felispa
Calebros, The Martyr was Disarmed
Nikolaus Vermuelen
Results of the Final Table = Matt 3, David L. 1, Oscar 1
Matt Guinn's Tournament Winning Deck
Deck Name : Return of the Brujah
Author : Matt Guinn
Description :
Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 6 max: 10 average: 7.75
2x Jann Berger 10 CEL POT PRE dem for prince Brujah:4
2x Dmitra Ilyanova 9 CEL FOR POT PRE obf justicar Brujah:5
2x Karen Suadela 7 CEL POT obf pre prince Brujah:5
2x Tara 6 POT PRE cel prince Brujah:5
1x Hektor 9 CEL POT PRE QUI for priscus !Brujah:4
1x Carlak 8 CEL PRE dom pot prince Brujah:5
1x Shawnda Dorrit 6 CEL obt pot pre priscus !Brujah:4
1x Tomaine 6 CEL POT PRE primogen Brujah:4
Library [88 cards]
Action [17]
3x Enchant Kindred
4x Fleetness
4x Fourth Tradition: The Accounting
1x Heart of the City
5x Heroic Might
Combat [43]
3x Blur
3x Decapitate
6x Immortal Grapple
1x Infernal Pursuit
2x Psyche!
6x Pursuit
4x Pushing the Limit
4x Sideslip
8x Taste of Vitae
6x Torn Signpost
Master [16]
2x Blood Doll
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
2x New Carthage
1x Papillon
2x Vessel
2x Villein
1x Warzone Hunting Ground
3x Wash
Political Action [4]
4x Parity Shift
Reaction [8]
8x Second Tradition: Domain
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