Saturday, January 15, 2011

Fee Stake: Marietta (TWD)

Fee Stake: Marietta
Marietta, Georgia
January 15, 2011
10 players
2R + F

Robyn Tatu's Tournament Winning Deck

Deck Name : The Baron is Off Kilter after Ben Peal
Author : Robyn Tatu
Description : Tournament winning deck

Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 5 max: 9 average: 7.75
4x Baron, The           9  FOR NEC OBF THN dom      2 votes Samedi:2
3x Reg Driscoll         8  OBF THN aus for pre              Samedi:2
2x Jorge De La Muerte   7  OBF THN cel for nec              Samedi:2
1x Genina, The Red Poet 8  CHI OBF THN aus cel for          Samedi:3
1x George Frederick     6  FOR THN nec obf                  Samedi:2
1x Lithrac              5  OBF for thn                      Samedi:2

Library [77 cards]
Action [20]
  1x Conceal
  5x Dark Mirror of the Mind
  5x Little Mountain Cemetery
  8x Off Kilter
  1x Priority Shift

Action Modifier [31]
  5x Cloak the Gathering
  4x Forgotten Labyrinth
  9x Freak Drive
  6x Lost in Crowds
  2x Stiff Contempt
  5x Under My Skin

Combat [10]
  2x Ashes to Ashes
  4x Dust to Dust
  2x Olid Loa
  2x Skin of Rock

Master [12]
  1x Archon Investigation
  2x Direct Intervention
  1x Houngan
  2x Information Highway
  1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
  2x Perfectionist
  2x Sudden Reversal
  1x Wider View

Reaction [4]
  2x Deflection
  2x Forced Vigilance

Sunday, January 02, 2011

2011 Rules for Continental Championships

The VEKN has published the 2011 Rules for VtES Continental Championships:

January 1, 2011
Each year, the V:EKN organizes invitational Continental Championship tournaments. Players receive invitations by doing well in any of a series of qualifying events held around the world.
The V:EKN is coordinating five invitational V:TES Continental Championship tournaments: in Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.

How to Qualify
To play in a championship tournament, players will first have to qualify.

  • Anyone who played in the finals of a Continental Championship in 2010 is automatically qualified in 2011.
  • The top 25% of players in constructed Continental Qualifying events qualify. The threshold for “Last Chance Qualifiers” on the weekends of the Championships is 33%.
  • For the Australian and Asian Championships: 50% of the players (round up) up to a maximum of 10 players, qualify.
    If multiple players tie for a qualifier spot, then all the tied players qualify.
  • To reward the organizers who put so much time and effort into organizing these events, the organizers for Regional continental qualifiers automatically qualify.
  • Finalists of constructed National Championship events qualify for the Continental Championships.
  • The winner of a sanctioned, rated, standard constructed tournament of 10 or more players will be qualified for all Continental Championships for the calendar year of the upcoming championship in that tournament's continent.
    • For example, if you win a 10+ player tournament in North America before the 2011 NAC at Origins, then you are qualified for all Continental Championships in 2011. If you win a 10+ player tournament in North America after the 2011 NAC at Origins, then you are qualified for all Continental Championships in 2012. (Note: this is exactly how qualification works for First Chance Qualifiers!)
    • Only the winner will be qualified. If a previously-qualified player wins a tournament, the qualification does not pass down to the 2nd-place player.
    • Event organizers may play in regular tournaments and qualify if they win the tournament. The multi-judge system may be used as per VEKN tournament rules.
    • In addition, the results of the tournament MUST BE SUBMITTED.
    • This new qualification system will start on January 1, 2011. Tournaments prior to this date will not count.

All qualifier tournaments are handled equally regardless of order. Players who qualify in one qualifier are not handled any differently in other qualifiers. They can continue to qualify in each qualifier in which they play.

Championship Format
There are two formats for the championship tournaments. Each Championship will be run in one of these formats.

  • Standard Championship Format
    The standard format is a normal 3-round tournament with a final round, following the standard V:EKN rules for constructed deck tournaments (but in which only qualified players are allowed to play, of course).
  • Tiered Championship Format
    The tiered format is basically two tournaments. The top forty players from the first tournament continue on to the second. Players may change cards or whole decks before the second tournament. Each tournament is three rounds. The final, if any, of the first tournament has no bearing on the second.
So, the most significant change is that the mini-qualifier tournaments have been dropped, and instead any winner of a 10+ player tournament held in 2011 is now qualified.